wor·ship- [wur-ship]- 1. reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred.
When I decided to re-enter the blogging world, I gave much thought to where I wanted to go with it. I remember trying to make my old blog more of a "themed" kind of thing, where one could read about my adventures in homeschooling, or get some great recipes, or enjoy cute pics of my kids and funny things they'd say, but I never could narrow down one specific thing... because my life is made up of so many different things. After much thought, I ended up here...
Life, to me, is a gift. It is not something I have earned, or even deserve. I have faced death on more than one occasion, sometimes because of my own actions, and other times because of things that were completely out of my control. For whatever reason, God gave me more time. He apparently has more life for me to live, more for me to learn, do, think and be.
My life is nothing perfect, nothing extraordinary by anyone's standards, but my hope is that my life will be set apart. It is my desire, my longing, that my life be lived out in a way that is a constant act of worship to the One who has given me this gift. He has blessed me with 3 beautiful children here on earth, 4 babies who have gone on to heaven before their earthly birth, and a husband who supports us all so that I am able to stay home. He has blessed me with a gift of music, and He has given me opportunities to use it for His glory and to bless others. He meets my needs, and surprises me with new beauties every day. He has given me the gift of eternal life through His Son's death and resurrection, and with every fiber of my being, I want to make my life pleasing to him.
"May the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psa 19:14.